Recipe Roundup #1: Honey Crispy, Gamja Jorim, and more

This is the first post in a series where I share delicious recipes I either came up with or came across in recent weeks.

Quarantine Comfort Food series

First up, a few weeks ago I worked on a project for Colorado ASDA social media where I sought out and gathered some recipes from our multicultural student body. You can check them out right here:

감자 조림 – Gamja Jorim

Next, one of my favorite side dishes as of late, 감자 조림 (gamja jorim). It’s a dish of sweet and salty braised potatoes and really simple to make. I got the initial recipe from here:

I got a bag of these little potatoes from Trader Joe’s and I just have the other ingredients lying around. I only pay attention to getting the ratio of the braising sauce right and then eyeball the rest of the ingredients and boil off more to thicken the sauce if I need to. Still tastes amazing reheated from the fridge for the next few days.

  • 1 kg little potatoes
  • 1 cup water
  • honey
  • sesame oil
  • sesame seeds
Braising sauce
  • 5 tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp rice wine
  • 2 tbsp brown sugar
  1. Roast potato in the oven at 395 for 30 min.
  2. Once outer layer is cooked and browned, move potato to stove top and add water and braising sauce.
  3. Bring to boil and reduce heat to medium to simmer the potato until most of the sauce is boiled away (15 min).
  4. Reduce heat to low and add honey, sesame oil, and sesame seeds.
  5. Continue to simmer to have darker colored potatoes and thicker sauce.
감자 조림

Honey Crispy

I was thinking about a dish I often got from nearby asian restaurant as a kid called Honey Crispy Chicken (before I started religiously ordering sushi). My take is vegetarian and I used a pack of fried tofu from the local asian market to keep that crispy texture, but you could replace it with whatever fried meat or fish you want.

I didn’t keep track of any proper measurements since this was just an experiment that turned out well. The most important part of the sauce is the honey which you need a lot of for the sauce thickness. I also added some potato starch to thicken up the sauce a little more. Add some yellow bell peppers for color and crunch and you’ve got a sweet crunchy treat that pairs perfectly with rice.

  • honey
  • soy sauce
  • sesame oil
  • chili flakes
  • potato starch
  • water
  • garlic
  • rice vinegar
  • fried tofu
  • onion
  • (yellow) bell pepper
  • panko bread crumbs (garnish)
  • green onion (garnish)
  1. Boil sauce ingredients and then bring down to low simmer to thicken.
  2. Stir fry main ingredients all at once.
  3. Mix sauce in and serve.
Honey Crispy Fried Tofu (I wish I took a better picture…)

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