The Evocative Beauty of Lore Olympus

I have been a fan of mythology since I was little, especially greek mythology. My go-to bored reading was D’aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths. Now, I was often very bored so I think I read through this book at least one hundred times. I was drawn to the gorgeous artwork, the powerful simplicity behind theContinue reading “The Evocative Beauty of Lore Olympus”

New Media Art: Rudo Company

  Rudo Company produced the music video for Mañana by Usted Señalemelo. This video carries a lot of aesthetic similarities to my project with the grainy black-and-white figure animations but it takes this a very interesting direction with the color tones in the background. The tone is constantly shifting with red and blue hies thatContinue reading “New Media Art: Rudo Company”

New Media Art: Dimitri Stankowicz

Dimitry Stankowicz is the animator behind Rone’s music video for Bye Bye Macadam. This animation again uses the black and white aesthetic I am looking to replicate in my project. In particular, Stankowicz uses omnipresent moving and vibrating white lines that give the whole animation a continuous flow. I also like some of his transitionsContinue reading “New Media Art: Dimitri Stankowicz”

New Media Art: Evolved Virtual Creatures

Evolved Virtual Creatures by Karl Sims is computer simulation art exploring evolution through block creatures. Several hundred creatures are created in a computer and put through various tasks (such as swimming fast). The successful creatures pass on their data (“genes”) to the next generation which is put through the same tasks and so on. IContinue reading “New Media Art: Evolved Virtual Creatures”

Net Art: Rafaël Rozendaal

Rafaël Rozendaal is an artist who primarily uses the internet as his canvas. “” and “” are both addictingly interactive. The pieces are simple on the surface but delightfully colorful, interactive, and personal to the viewer. Interactivity is a keystone of net art and I think “” captures that feeling of artistic discovery as theContinue reading “Net Art: Rafaël Rozendaal”

Net Art: Indirect Flights

Indirect flights is an interactive Google map-esque experience by Joe Hamilton. The viewer can scroll and drag their cursor around the layered and collaged world. I am still trying to figure out what direction I would like to take my net art project, but I am leaning towards that of an imagined space. Indirect Flights provides anContinue reading “Net Art: Indirect Flights”

Abstract Animation: Painted Loops with Bach

Painted Loops with Bach is as an abstract animation piece by Josh Shaffner that results from a single painting. The frames of the animation for each section coalesce in the total nonsensical painting. I admire the appeal he gives to the abstract objects and shapes used in the piece. Their movements utilize squash-and-stretch to appearContinue reading “Abstract Animation: Painted Loops with Bach”

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