Recipe Roundup #1: Honey Crispy, Gamja Jorim, and more

This is the first post in a series where I share delicious recipes I either came up with or came across in recent weeks. Quarantine Comfort Food series First up, a few weeks ago I worked on a project for Colorado ASDA social media where I sought out and gathered some recipes from our multiculturalContinue reading “Recipe Roundup #1: Honey Crispy, Gamja Jorim, and more”

5 Tips for How I Cook More and Eat Out Less

With habits, I find that the less active thought they require, the easier they are to implement. These observations are in the spirit of the productivity concept of friction. Not too different from the physical force, productivity friction is the mental resistance that exists between your thought and the following action. Thus, for activities thatContinue reading “5 Tips for How I Cook More and Eat Out Less”

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